Monday, October 6, 2008

It feels like Christmas at the Sanovich's!

ThAnk yOu grANdMa anD PapA rEed FoR mY nEw fUn ToYs! MoMmy PuT tHem toGetHer wHiLe I wAs SleEping JusT liKe ChriStMas MorNing AnD I was So exciTed tO seE NeW toYs DowNsTaiRs.

MomMy LeT mE pLay In tHEm RigHt AwAy,
ShE sAiD ShE NeEded heR hAnDs (I dOn't SeE WhY,I kEeP TheM BuSY enOUgH).

I lOvE To STanD, It iS My FaVOriTe AnD i gEt tO sTanD LoTs wiTh My JoHnny JuMPer anD nEw CHair.

WiSh YOu CouLd BE heRe tO PlaY wItH mE! SeE YoU SoON!
MuWahh !

1 comment:

Natalie E said...

This is such a cute post!