Thursday, March 5, 2009

My baby is 9 Months Old!!!

It's a Bitter/Sweet Day!

Jaynie is 9 Months old and gets more of a personality every day!
It seems like just yesterday that they laid her in my arms for the first time. And now she is walking around on the furniture and screaming at me when I don't do what she wants (isn't it too early for that?) She keeps me busy from sun up to sun down. She LOVES waffles and pancakes for breakfast and a quick dash for the Bubble bath after. She has also enjoyed leaving SNAKES (As Kauner would call them :) in the the tub! (Yippie for mom :0) I have recently named her my Mariah Carey baby. You know that high pitched thing she does as she points her index finger high in the air and waves it around as she brings it down to her side? Yeah well Jaynie does the scream. Without the finger of course :) I have never seen a little 9 month old with such strong desires, especially to get electrocuted. She really wants to, she seeks outlets out and climbs up the wall and turns around with this "Look what I found" look on her face and starts trying to stick her fingers in the holes. I have plugged them all up, but a friend recently told me that they "just let him get shocked and he never wanted to touch them again and we didn't have to buy the plastic covers". Seems logical :) however we will stick with the plugs, at least until she learns how to get them out and then she is on her own!

Jaynie loves to eat just about anything we give her and she mmmmmmmmm's until she gets it. She loves watching older kids play, just just can't wait to be able to do all the "cool" things they do. She recently found the swings at the park and she LOVED them. So we will definitely be heading back there when it warms up again to do some more swinging.
I just can't believe how fast time has flown by! We are loving having Jaynie in our family. She keeps us on our toes and laughing every day! We love her so much and are grateful every day to have her, even when she Mariah Carey's it ALL DAY LONG! :)

Happy 9 Months little Piddle Bug!!


Aly said...

She really is adorable. And it's about time you updated! Happy 9 months, Jaynie! And yes, we go to music time and Jayci LOVES it. We sing the songs all week and she just can't get enough.

Kara said...

What a doll! I am in love with that brown flower bow. Isn't it so much fun the older they get? You're such a cute mom- it's no wonder Jaynie is a cutie-patooty!

Amie said...

How fun!!! time goes so fast you have to enjoy every little thing that happens because before you now it they have changed. She is such a doll!!!

Bree said...

Just wait until you get here you will find these all over. They fly too, and that one was actually small.
She is so dang cute, we can't wait to play again!

Sara said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! hee hee. Janynie is just too cute for her own good! I seriously can't get enough of her- and i wannna hear her sweet Maria Carey!

Leah said...

so cute!!! And I feel you on that scream kids were the same way!! so excited for you guys going to Florida..

Halley said...

I CANNOT believe that! Wasn't it just yesterday that I was holding a tiny sleepy girl in my arms? She is just beautiful and I can't wait to see her!!! :) And you too! :) We miss you guys a ton! Love you!

The Buckwalter Four said...

Okay - so I haven't been blog-surfin' in forever. SOO fun to see you adorable J!

Natalie E said...

Way cute post! She is getting big, but she still looks little to me. Maybe that's just a girl thing???
She is just so stinking cute! Glad you posted! Miss you guys!

Bree said...

We are missing you guys too. Tell your hubby screw the rest of school and just come start here (they would let him do that right?! tell them you need the warm weather) We are super excited for you guys to come, I just can't believe we will only be here a year together, oh well our house will be a great beach weekend. Hopefully we will have a house and you can stay in your own room.

Meet the Cannons said...

Hi Amber, it's Mickinzi.
I just wantwed to say Hi! It's been way too Long. Your daughter is beautiful!! Congrats.