1week old
4 months old
But can I just say that I LOVE being a mom, more and more each day! Thank you honey for supporting me as a stay at home mom and working so hard so that I can be home with her every day! I love my new job and couldn't be happier to be home with our baby! THANK YOU!
So Jaynie is 4 months old. I can't believe it! She for the first time, to me, seems to be getting bigger. (I know, suprise, ha, ha!) But she just has felt like my little baby girl, and now she seems to be growing up. She is learning things so fast and a small part of me hates it, the part that wants my little baby back. But the rest of me LOVES it. Honestly, I was MOST excited for the newborn stage, the little bitty baby stage, the cuddle and love stage. I did love it, every minute, but I never anticipated feeling this much Joy and happiness to see my child learn and grown and figure things out and begin to develop a little personality of her own. It is the best! I love when she gives me her little bashful smiles as she turns away. And I love when I am trying to make her laugh and she hasn't quite figured out how to do it on purpose yet so she forces whatever she can out and she is so proud of herself. I just love this new stage and I love my little girl, we are SO blessed to have her in our lives, each and every day is an absolute blessing!
Jaynie rolled from her Belly to her back this week... She is so proud...
I love the little "LOOK I DID IT" expression she gets on her face every time!
This month Jaynie also found her Hands...
And she is still a String Bean as you can see.
And her Toes! ( We call them "Piggie Wiggies!")
Jaynie also LOVES to stand up! Her little skinny legs are so strong...
Jaynie has just been so much fun She is an absolute joy and we love every minute we have with her. And the poor girl can't get enough Kisses, or maybe it's that we can't get enough :0)!